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About Our School

Weetumuw School serves the Wampanoag community as a Wôpessori (Wampanoag-Montessori) school under the leadership of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, focusing on preparing preschool and early elementary students for community leadership, and academic excellence by instilling traditional Wampanoag values, and learning Wôpanâak culture and language.  Our school is a vital asset to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and  community.

Weetumuw School Students


All Weetumuw School teachers and administrators are members of the Mashpee Wampanoag community. Culturally connected and Montessori trained, our staff is committed to helping raise our young people to be the next generation of tribal leaders.

Sânushq Cassie (San Carlos Apache) was raised in the Mashpee Wampanoag community.  She is a co-lead teacher in the primary classroom. Currently, Sânushq Cassie is working on her Montessori Early Childhood Education Training with the North American Montessori Center (NAMC).

Sharman Brown


Primary Teacher

Sânushq Sharman (Mashpee Wampanoag) co-leads the primary classroom. She is a certified Child Development Associate and is a graduate of the Montessori Early Childhood Education program from the North American Montessori Center. Sânushq Sharman has also studied Wôpanâôt8âôk with the Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project for 5 years.

Sharman Brown
Alexyss Galvin

Alexyss Galvin


Special Education Teacher, Elementary Teacher

Sânushq Lexy (Mashpee Wampanoag) has a Master's degree in Special Education, is a Massachusetts state certified Early Childhood teacher, and is a graduate of the Early Childhood Education program with North American Montessori Center. Currently she is working on her Lower Elementaery Montessori training. Sânushq Lexy is a teacher in Wushkeenune8ak Weekuw, and also works with children with different abilities in both classrooms.

Dr. Nitana Hicks Greendeer



Head of School

Sânushq Nitana (Mashpee Wampanoag) is the director of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe's language department and also the Head of School. She also is a parent of 5 past and present Weetumuw School students. She is an advanced speaker of Wôpanâak, has a PhD in curriculum and instruction, a Master's Degree from the Indigenous Languages Initiative at MIT, and has completed the Montessori Early Childhood Education Teacher training program with the North American Montessori Center.

Dr. Nitana Hicks Greendeer
Stefani Lopez

Stefani Lopez

Uchukupee Mahkus


Elementary Teacher

Sânushq Stefani (Mashpee Wampanoag) is the lead teacher of the lower elementary classroom. Sânushq Stefani is an intermediate speaker of Wôpanâak, a certified Montessori primary teacher through the Institute for Guided Studies (IGS), and has completed the Lower Elementary Teacher program through the North American Montessori Center. She is also the parent of a former Weetumuw School student. 

Tia Pocknett

Mônâee Neesuhshâushq


Lead Teacher

Sânushq Tia (Mi'kmaq) was raised in Mashpee.  Tia is a certified Montessori Early Childhood Education Teacher through the Institute for Guided Studies (IGS) program and has completed the Upper Elementary Teacher training with the North American Montessori Center program (NAMC). Tia works with training staff in both classrooms in language, culture, and Montessori pedagogy. Sânushq Tia is an advanced speaker of Wôpanâak and the parent of a Weetumuw School graduate.

Tia Pocknett
Phillip Wynne

 Assistant Teacher

Sânôp Phillip (Mashpee Wampanoag) is a skilled artisan and culture keeper. He shares his sacred cultural teachings with our educators and children.   With this knowledge, he develops and teaches cultural lessons in both classrooms.  He is also the parent of a Weetumuw School student.

Cassandra Averett

Cassandra Averett​


Primary Teacher

Weetumuw School

483 Great Neck Rd South

Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649

508-477-0208 x168

MWT and Weetumuw School Logo

Weetumuw School is a program of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe open to all members of the Wampanoag nation and their households, and does not discriminate on the basis of enrollment status or tribal affiliation within the nation. 

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