Ways to Give
The Weetumuw school offers all Wampanoag families access to an excellent education that is culturally-relevant and identity-affirming – regardless of their economic means. We do not charge tuition but invite every family to contribute through donations, volunteering in the classroom and investing their time and talents to the school. We have sustained our lean operating budget through support from the tribal government, donations from tribal members and grants. But as we envision the future of Weetumuw School -- growing services for students and opportunities for teachers and working toward long-term sustainability -- we are broadening our circle of collaboration to a greater community. As a friend of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe, we invite you to stand behind our youth and invest in their academic excellence, leadership skills and personal, community, and cultural pride.
As a tribal school, The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe puts donations toward program expenses that directly benefit children such as classroom materials and field trips, and living wages and professional development for our teachers.
We invite you to join us in support of current Weetumuw School students and the next seven generations of children we must plan and care for.
Give Money
Monetary donations allow us the freedom to provide our Wampanoag students with an education designed to meet their specific goals and needs. We greatly appreciate one-time donations as well as recurring monthly or annual donations that help to sustain our school long-term. If you would like to create a sustaining partnership please reach out to our Head of School, Nitana Greendeer.
Checks can be made payable to Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and sent to:
Weetumuw School
c/o Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
483 Great Neck Road South
Mashpee, MA 02649
To make an ACH Transfer or Credit Card Payment, contact Taryn Medina to coordinate:
508-477-0208 x116
If you would like to create a sustaining partnership, please contact our Head of School, Nitana Hicks Greendeer at:
508-477-0208 x168

​​Donate In-Kind
We welcome donated gifts in good quality such as classroom supplies, books, and furniture.
We welcome the donated gift of time. Email our Head of School to let us know how you would like to volunteer with our school program.
Existing Partnerships

We are grateful for the support of our local and national partners.